About Us

ProCastly is another awesome work by Majibul Hoq Chowdhury and is run by a team with decades of experience in independent publishing. Nowadays independent publishing isn’t as simple as putting your content online and expecting it to get discovered.

Discoverability is a multi-faceted approach that relies heavily on properly-optimised search engine optimisation. With the ever-changing landscape of SEO, our team can configure your site to follow the latest SERP guidelines.

Our team has experts in every aspect of publishing from writing, editing and publishing editorial to enhancing SEO and getting it all integrated to get your site and content indexed quickly and ranking. Aside from having experience executing this, we also have the results to back it up as we have ranked smaller independent sites right along side some of the bigger players in the industry.

Our goal is simple, we help website owners to reach the maximum results.

Our team is ready to help you take the guesswork out of SEO and avoid the headaches that can come with the process. Get in touch with us to find out how we can help

Contact us

If you want to get in touch with us, fill out the form on our contact page.

If you want to send us stuff, use this address:

Majibul Hoq Chowdhury
Rua Dos Combatentes Do Ultramar
N 2, Malaqueijo 2040-535