The most powerful search engine optimization for your WordPress site.
Your WP not properly optimized, Yet.
ProCastly helps you get your new posts optimized and submitted to hundreds of search engines.
Faster Index
100% Safe
Auto Crawl
Automated Report
Peace of mind comes standard.
Powerful search engine optimization plugin for individuals, professionals and agencies
Fully automated system to make your wordpress post quickly indexed by search engines.
All Major Search Engines
Our system automatically pings to all major search engines as soon as your post gets published status.
100% Safe
Our system doesn't hurt any search engine optimization steps, instead it works great with other seo method.
Detailed Automated Report
Our system generates report so you'll have a place where you'll get all updates and reports of recent actions.
Auto Retry
In-case of any failed submission, our system will attempt to re-submit to these networks that has failed before.
Easy Configuration
No advanced configuration needed, as all tasks are done automatically behind the scene. All you have to do is enter the api key.